Monday, October 11, 2010

Pulsating Tinnitus natural cure

          Tinnitus sufferers go through the agony of ringing ears and are a frustrated lot realizing that no medicines can give lasting cure. But natural therapies exist which can cure tinnitus and that should cheer them up.

           Natural treatment for tinnitus consists of homoeo and  herbal medicines and vitamin supplements. The above treatments in unison also can be resorted to root out tinnitus.
Homoeo medicines do give cures but they are tailored to suit each individual patient. In homoeopathy the course of treatment is called “6 C” remedies. They consist of salicylic acidum, carbonium sulphuratum, chininum sulphuricum,
Kali iodatum, hydrastis, and aurum and are administered depending on the various causes of the tinnitus. These medicines will precipitate tinnitus in a healthy person and remove tinnitus in a sufferer.

            Gingko Biloba, sesame seeds, Chinese herbs, black cohosh, spinach, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are some of the herbs used in the treatment of tinnitus depending upon the causes of tinnitus. Some herbs are known to increase the tinnitus: cinchona, black haw and uva ursi. Therefore herbal treatment must be resorted to under the direct supervision of a herbal doctor.

             Diets with poor nutritional values can also cause tinnitus. Vitamin enriched food will relieve the symptoms.  These foods will boost the natural immune systems. Thus, better health relieves tinnitus. Vitamins A, B and E and zinc rich foods relieve tinnitus. Caffeine and salt can trigger tinnitus in many persons.

              Since natural remedies are not promoted in the market aggressively most sufferers of tinnitus are unaware of these. But the fact remains that more than the medicines given by any ENT surgeons these natural remedies provide cures.

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